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Green Salad Recipe

The eternal salad deliciously accompanies a maximum of our dishes. There is a season for salads... It must be accompanied by a good dressing!

Vegetarian Vegan Public
Course: Side dish
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Energy: 16 kcal / serving


  • 1.   Prepare the salad: cut the base of the lettuce and separate the leaves.
  • 2.   Remove the base of the ribs if they are too thick. Wash the lettuce leaves 3 times in a basin with a good amount of water.
  • 3.   Do not empty the water but remove the leaves from the water with your hands.
  • 4.   Add a dash of vinegar to the last rinsing water. Spin dry in a salad spinner or place in a towel and shake. Prepare the dressing with 1 tablespoon of vinegar for every 3 tablespoons of oil.
  • 5.   Depending on your mood, add chopped garlic, thinly sliced white onion, herbs or tarragon... Cut the lettuce leaves if they are large before putting them in the salad bowl because it is well known that "one does not cut the salad with a knife at the table" even if now the knives are made of stainless steel...
  • 6.   Season at the last moment to avoid "cooking" the salad ;-)

Ingredients for servings

  • 1 green salad
  • 1 small shallot
  • 1 fine herbs
  • 1 vinaigrette
  • salt (according to taste)
  • pepper (according to taste)
  • parsley (according to taste)


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Nutritional information *

    Per serving
    % RDA
  • Energy value
    16 kcal
    1 %
  • Fat
    0,09 g
    0 %
  • of which saturated
    0,03 g
    0 %
  • Carbohydrates
    1,73 g
    1 %
  • of which sugar
    0,86 g
    1 %
  • Protein
    0,99 g
    2 %
  • Fibers
    1,29 g
  •   More data
* As an indication, before cooking, RDA of the EU.