"Being a vegetarian for a year, I wanted to find an alternative to foie gras that I loved so I could still treat myself during the Christmas holidays. Even though there are a few options available in specialty stores and organic grocery stores, as a fan of homemade food, I quickly preferred to make my own "faux gras" as it's called. I must also admit that some products didn't really convince me... and even less my family, who are fond of traditional foie gras. This led me to search for THE recipe that would satisfy everyone. After a lot of research, several attempts, and a few failures, I can finally say that I found it. It's not only easier than I imagined, but it's also cheaper than vegan or animal-based industrial terrines." Source: https://www.elle.fr/Noel/Cuisine/Dossiers-Noel/Recette-foie-gras-vegan-maison-3974705