This cashew cream is an excellent plant-based replacement for thick cream or whipped cream to soften a preparation or add creaminess to a soup, sauce, etc. In addition to that, it's very simple and quick to make, you just need a good blender and you're good to go. Whether in savory or sweet dishes, I can only invite you to try it if you are curious and enjoy experimenting in your kitchen! It's interesting to know that cashews are nuts rich in good fats! These fats are necessary for the proper functioning of our body. They are also rich in fiber for digestion, and contain vitamins B, E, and K, as well as a low glycemic index carbohydrate content. Ideal for avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels that can lead to fatigue, cravings, and a tendency to store fat. Cashews are also rich in minerals such as magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iron... source: ElleàTable In the recipe I'm giving you, the more water you add to the base mixture, the more liquid the final product will be; in fact, this recipe is customizable depending on whether you want to obtain thick cream, liquid cream, or cashew milk as an alternative to the almond milk already proposed on the blog. It was Tess Begg's video (skip to the seventh minute) on her YouTube channel that made me want to try the thick cream version, I found the texture amazing when I saw her dip her spoon into the jar...