1. 1 Peel the red onion and roughly chop it. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds, and cut it into pieces. In the bowl of the food processor fitted with the ultrablade chopping blade, put the onion and bell pepper, then blend at speed 11 for 15 seconds.
2. 2 Replace the blade with the mixer attachment. Crush the garlic cloves with the blade of a knife. Put them in the food processor with the olive oil and start the simmer program P1 at 130 °C for 4 minutes.
3. 3 Cut the zucchini, fennel, and tomatoes into pieces. Add the broth, spices, and vegetables to the food processor, season with salt and pepper. Start the simmer program P2 at 95 °C for 40 minutes.
4. 4 Serve hot or cold, sprinkled with chopped cilantro.