To make ice cream, it is usually necessary to churn the mixture in an ice cream maker, as this prevents the formation of ice crystals, which can be unpleasant in the texture of the ice cream. But this somewhat "magical" recipe can completely bypass this step, as whipped coconut cream combined with agave syrup (which greatly slows down the formation of crystals) allows you to achieve an incredible texture! Do not add the nuts and caramel when they are too hot to the whipped coconut cream: it will cause it to deflate. They should be barely warm. Also note, from a dietary standpoint, that this recipe is "vegan", meaning it does not contain any animal products. It is therefore suitable for people who are intolerant to eggs and/or dairy products, for example. But even though it is plant-based and therefore a bit more digestible for some people, it doesn't mean that this ice cream is not a rich treat to be enjoyed in moderation! (Well, it's a bit difficult to stay moderate once you've tasted it, I must admit...)